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Porsche Engineering Romania

Porsche Engineering Romania specializes in complex technical solutions at its two locations in Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara, including the development of intelligent and connected electric vehicles, electronics, and design. We cover a wide range of development activities and technical know-how – from conventional powertrains to future mobility, and from prototype to series development. By optimizing brake systems and developing pedestrian protections as well as driver assistance systems, these activities significantly contribute to the improvement of future car safety. As an integral part of the Porsche Engineering, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Stuttgart (Germany) based sports car manufacturer Porsche AG, the work of our engineers in Cluj and Timisoara results into improvements and innovations incorporated in the Porsche sports cars, sold all over the world. More information can be found on our website: https://www.porscheengineering.com/peg/de/locations/romania/

Facultati vizate

Automatică și Calculatoare
Electronica Telecomunicații și Tehnologii Informaționale

Oferte de carieră

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Automatica si Calculatoare
AUTOSAR Software Engineer
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Automatica si Calculatoare
Python Software Developer for ADAS
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Automatica si Calculatoare
System Integration Engineer
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Automatica si Calculatoare
System Engineer
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Automatica si Calculatoare
Software Quality Engineer
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Automatica si Calculatoare
C++ Software Engineer for ADAS
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Automatica si Calculatoare
AI Software Engineer
Zilele Carierei este un eveniment bianual organizat de Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara prin CCOC - Centrul de Consiliere și Orientare în Carieră din UPT.Ajuns la a 25-a ediție, Zilele Carierei a devenit cel mai mare târg universitar de joburi din vestul țării.Ediția din aceastî toamnă va găzdui 40 de firme de top, fiecare gata să intercționeze cu studenți sau absolvenți interesați de locuri de practică sau de muncă din domen...
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